July 4, 2014, Press Release
New E-T Sprint Wheel

ET Mags new ET Sprint, 15 x 5 wheel is one piece, low pressure cast wheel. These wheels are perfect for your high boy with big and little combination, or on the front of your gasser from the 50’s or 60’s. The 15 x 5” wheel has a 3” back space and the bolt circle range is from 5-4 ¼” to 5-5”. We also can machine and drill them for 5 or 6 pin, pin drive knock-off setups. These are also available as two piece wheels can be built in the sizes from 4” to 12” wide and in a wide range of back spacing’s. They have a textured and painted center with a polished rim lip this leads to easy cleaning. We will be offering 16 and 17” in the near future.